Bartender Gig Apps That Make Finding Work Easy

Bartending gig apps have opened up a world opportunities for bartenders seeking flexible and varied work. Check out the top bartending gig apps you should consider!

Bartender Gig Apps That Make Finding Work Easy

Finding steady gig work as a bartender can often feel like a cocktail of challenges. With the hospitality industry's ever-changing demands, securing consistent gigs that match one's work schedule and skill set isn't always straightforward. Bartenders juggle various factors, from unpredictable hours to the quest for rewarding work environments.

Fortunately, the rise of gig apps specifically designed for the hospitality sector offers a solution to these challenges.

With these platforms, you can stop typing 'bartending job near me' into your Google search. They make the job search process simpler and more targeted, directly connecting you with opportunities in the hospitality industry.  

This guide will explore gig apps and their impact on the hospitality industry, helping you find the perfect match for your career.

The Rise of Gig Economy in the Hospitality Industry

In recent years, the gig economy has transformed how people work across various industries, and the hospitality sector is no exception. 

This growing trend has reshaped job searches, making it easier for professionals like bartenders to find work that fits their schedules and lifestyle preferences. But what exactly is causing this shift, and how are gig apps playing a central role in this transformation?

Gig apps have provided a platform for hospitality businesses to connect with available talent. 

Instead of relying on word-of-mouth or traditional job boards, bartenders can now access gig opportunities right from their smartphones. 

These apps allow professionals to easily browse and apply for shifts that match their skills, experience, and availability. Their ratings and review systems help everyone know what to expect.

What's great about these apps is their ability to alert bartenders to where they are needed. When businesses, like a local bar or event venue, post on these apps, they’re actively seeking professional bartending services and need someone to answer their call. Part-time gigs can often turn into full-time opportunities.

Whether it's picking up shifts to earn extra money during busy times, trying out different venues, or just working when they can, gig apps offer a lot of freedom. This is perfect for bartenders who want to work around other commitments or just enjoy changing things up.

Top Bartender Gig Apps

With the rise of the gig economy, bartenders now have more opportunities than ever to find work that suits their schedule and skill set, including a variety of bartending positions. 

This is where apps for bartending gigs come into play, offering a modern solution for bartenders seeking flexibility and variety in their work. These apps are equipped with features designed to meet the needs of today's bartenders.

Let's dive into what each platform offers and how they can help you find the perfect bartending gig.


shiftNOW is a platform specifically designed for the hospitality industry, making it a great tool for bartenders looking for flexible work opportunities.


  • Instant Payout: Receive your earnings the same day after completing a shift with shiftNOW’s Instant Payout option.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Pick shifts that fit your schedule, providing work-life balance.
  • Rating System: Both workers and employers rate each other, ensuring quality and reliability.
  • Wide Network: Access to a broad range of bars, restaurants, and events looking for bartenders.
  • Easy Profile Setup: Quick and straightforward profile creation to showcase your experience and skills.


Instawork is a popular gig app that connects hospitality professionals, including bartenders, with part-time and full-time gigs in their local area.


  • Variety of Gigs: Access gigs ranging from local bars to large-scale events.
  • Professional Networking: Connect with other professionals and businesses for future opportunities.
  • Profile Growth: Enhance your profile with positive reviews to access better-paying gigs.
  • Skill Development: Opportunities to work in diverse settings help in honing bartending skills.
  • Instant Notifications: Receive alerts for new gigs that match your preferences and skills.


Wonolo connects workers with immediate hourly or daily jobs from companies needing extra help. Not exclusive to bartending but includes gigs in the hospitality sector.


  • Diverse Job Opportunities: Broad selection of gigs, including in the hospitality industry.
  • Same-Day Work: Ability to pick up jobs on the same day, perfect for immediate income needs.
  • Transparent Pay Rates: Clear upfront information about pay for each gig.
  • Feedback System: Rate your work experience and receive feedback from employers.
  • Direct Communication: Easily communicate with the job provider for details and instructions.

Each of these apps not only offers unique advantages for bartenders seeking flexible work opportunities but also keeps you informed about ongoing hiring events. As you navigate these platforms to find the best fit for your bartending career, remember that many local establishment bartenders are hiring near you. This not only provides a steady stream of opportunities but ensures you're always aware of the latest gigs available around you and can seamlessly connect with potential employers.

Comparison of Gig Economy Apps for Bartenders

When choosing an app to find bartending gigs, bartenders should consider which features best align with their personal and professional needs. shiftNOW's heavy focus on the hospitality industry makes it a strong choice for bartenders seeking targeted opportunities within their field.

Feature shiftNOW Instawork Wonolo
Payout Times Instant payout option after a shift ends Instant payment after eligible shifts Varies; options for immediate payout
Job Availability Wide network in the hospitality industry Access to local bars, large-scale events Temporary opportunities in various industries
Geographical coverage Specific cities across the US Over 40 metro markets in North America Nationwide coverage
Ease of Use User-friendly interface Easy profile setup Support available
Earning Potential Competitive, varies by gig Earn more for urgent requests and peak times Jobs offer at least the local living wage
Mobile App Availability Yes, iOS and Android Yes, iOS and Android Yes, iOS and Android
Worker Ratings and Feedback Yes, mutual rating system Yes, includes ratings and feedback Worker performance assessment with ratings
Specialized Gigs Availability Focused on hospitality Wide range including hospitality and more Broad industry coverage
Profile Customization Yes, easy profile setup Detailed profiles wiht skills and certifications Detailed profile with work history and skills

Tips for Maximizing Success on Bartender Gig Apps

Navigating apps for bartending gigs can be both exciting and overwhelming. To make the most out of these platforms and increase your chances of landing the best gigs, here are some essential tips for success:

Profile Optimization Tips

  1. Complete and Update Your Profile: Ensure every section of your profile is filled out, including your experience, certifications, and skills. Regularly update your profile to reflect any new experiences or skills you've acquired.
  2. Professional Photos: Use a professional-looking profile photo where you appear approachable and confident. Adding pictures of you in action (bartending, mixing drinks, etc.) can also make your profile stand out.
  3. Highlight Your Specialties: If you have specialties or are particularly skilled in certain areas (e.g., craft cocktails, speed bartending), make sure these are prominently featured in your profile.
  4. Collect and Showcase Reviews: Positive reviews can significantly boost your profile. Encourage your past employers to leave feedback on your work.

Strategies for Selecting the Right Gigs

  1. Know Your Preferences: Reflect on the types of environments you thrive in, whether it's high-energy nightclubs or upscale restaurants, and target gigs that match.
  2. Read Gig Descriptions Carefully: Pay attention to the details in gig descriptions to ensure they align with your skills and expectations.
  3. Consider the Location: Choose gigs in locations that are convenient for you or in areas where you'd like to expand your network.

Advice on Managing a Flexible Schedule

  1. Use a Calendar: Keep a digital calendar to track your gigs, personal commitments, and rest days. This helps prevent overbooking and ensures you maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  2. Set Availability Boundaries: Decide how many hours or days you're willing to work weekly and stick to it. Avoid burnout by giving yourself enough time to rest and recharge.
  3. Be Open to Last-Minute Opportunities: While maintaining boundaries, being occasionally open to last-minute gigs can lead to more opportunities and connections in the industry.

Maintaining a Good Work-Life Balance

  1. Prioritize Your Health: Ensure you're getting enough rest and taking care of your physical and mental health. Bartending can be physically demanding, so staying in good shape is crucial.
  2. Make Time for Personal Interests: Dedicate time to hobbies and interests. This can provide a refreshing break and improve your overall well-being.
  3. Stay Organized: Keep track of your finances, schedule, and job contacts. Being organized can significantly reduce stress and make it easier to juggle different aspects of your life.

By following these tips, you can enhance your visibility on bartending gig apps. Keep an eye on establishments hiring bartenders near, mentally equipping yourself for the fast-paced environment of the hospitality industry. This readiness ensures you're well-prepared to seize nearby opportunities, effectively balancing a flexible schedule with a fulfilling work-life balance.

Future of Bartending Gigs

As we look ahead, the way bartenders find and do their gigs is likely to change. This change will be driven by new trends in the gig economy and advancements in technology. Here’s what might happen in the world of bartending gigs:

How the Gig Economy Could Change for Bartenders

The gig economy for bartenders is expected to grow and become more detailed. This means bartenders could more easily find gigs that they enjoy and are the best fit for their skills.

Also, these platforms might start offering benefits that are usually only given to full-time workers, like health insurance. This could make working gigs more attractive for bartenders thinking about doing this kind of work for a long time.

Technology’s Role in Bartending Gigs

Technology will continue to play a part in finding bartending gigs. New app features could help bartenders know about gigs right when they become available, or even help them plan their schedules around when they can make the most money.

In the future, bartenders might also use virtual reality (VR) to learn new drink recipes or practice making drinks. This could help bartenders get ready for different gigs without having to be at a bar in person.

Market Trends and Bartender Gigs

What people like and want from bars and restaurants can also change bartending gigs. As more people are interested in unique drinks and dining experiences, bartenders who know a lot about special cocktails or can make unique drinks might find more opportunities.

Being aware of the environment and where ingredients come from is becoming more important to customers. Bartenders who know about these topics could be more in demand as places try to meet these customer expectations.

The future looks promising for bartenders with changes that could bring more and better opportunities for work. Staying up-to-date with these trends and continuing to learn new skills will help bartenders make the most of these opportunities.

Empowering Your Bartending Career: Why shiftNOW is Your Ultimate Gig App

The gig economy has opened a world of opportunities for bartenders seeking flexible and varied work. Through gig apps, bartenders can now easily find gigs that fit their schedule, skill set, and interests, transforming the way they approach their careers. 

For those looking to dive into the gig economy or seeking a more streamlined and efficient way to find bartending gigs, shiftNOWstands out as a top choice. With its focus on the hospitality industry, shiftNOW offers features that enhance your job search success and also offer a level of convenience and control over your work life that traditional employment often lacks.

We encourage bartenders at all stages of their careers to explore the possibilities that gig apps like shiftNOW provide. Whether you're looking for part-time work to supplement your income, full-time gigs to advance your career, or flexible opportunities to balance work with other commitments, shiftNOW can help you achieve your goals.

Don't miss out on the chance to shape your bartending career on your terms. Download shiftNOW and start discovering the gig opportunities waiting for you. 

Download shiftNOW to start earning today!